Happy New Year 2017
We, Baca-Villa Productions Co Ltd, would like to say to you all
“Happy New Year 2017”.
Dear Value customers, we also would like say thank you for buying our products everywhere in the world in name of us all: the farmers, our employees from Baca-Villa, distributors etc etc, the people behind the scene, the students of the intern scholarship etc etc.
2016 was a hectic year with ups and downs, but we learned a lot more.
2017 will be a challenges with a lot of new Moringa ideas ! You have probably already seeing our new Moringa – Turmeric capsules and tablets (you can read more here….) but more is coming soon….mixed with interesting Cambodian herbs, Moringa food and Moringa beauty products.
We will update you in-time here (More Moringa news here.).
At the same time we’re working with many companies together which have a lot of experience in organic certificated bio fertilizer development and uses, organic farming, experience in improving processes, researching in new products, Food law etc. We will also working on water and water irrigation recycling, garbage waste recycling etc.
As you can see we don’t just simply grow and produce products !
In 2017 we all at Baca-Villa are ready to serve you !
Did you know that we have many customers where we produce on request special Moringa products under its own label and packaging ? Interesting ? Mail us.
We are always open to ideas and suggestions.
With the best regards, the Baca-Villa Team.