Picture Kru Khmer
Traditional medicine at Cambodia
It’s known that plants and animals have been used for hundreds of years in traditional remedies in Cambodia.
What is Traditional Khmer Medicine?
Traditional Khmer Medicine in Cambodian Society ?
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Vietnamese Medicine in Cambodia….
Which plants they are using and what is the effect of it. Of course we know already Moringa, Turmeric, Ginger, Sdau etc. but there are over 800 species of medicinal plants (native and introduced) were identified. This figure represents over 35% of Cambodia’s native flora. An overview of the use and trade of plants and animals in traditional medicine systems in Cambodia you’ll find here.
Mr. Yean Ysreng, Deputy Director of National Center of Traditional Medicine. About 40 to 50 percent of the population in remote areas are using traditional medicine because they are poor and it is cheaper than Western medicine. It also cures them of their ailments all the same.” The ancient Khmers first formulated this medical lore, during and around the Angkor period. From the turn of the first millennia until the present day, this system of treatment has served the people of Cambodia. “At that time, they only had traditional medicine to treat illness–they did not have hospitals yet,” said Yean Ysreng. “They also didn’t have microscopes and they dealt with illness by guessing the disease. For example, when they saw someone coughing they would guess that it was tuberculosis.”
More about : Ancient Healing Knowledge
More about Herbs & Spices of Cambodia you will find here.
More about the Cambodian cuisine here….
In 2007 I visited the Phnom Khulen in Cambodia (see picture 2007 Phnom Khoulen, J. Camp), since that time I’m interested in traditional healing and medicine. See Picture Kru Khmer.