Moringa Dinner Day

(If you don’t know what Moringa is, please read here more….)

Today we made a complete Moringa Dinner day. We collect all ingredients from our Organic farm the flowers, pods and leaves and stems for the wine.

Today is Moringa Dinner Day

If you see the nice white flower with their so excellent sweet typical smell, I cannot wait anymore.Organic Moringa Flowers at dinner

The Nice green but bitter pods….Organic Moringa Pods at Dinner

And the beautiful green Moringa noodles.Moringa Noodles at Dinner

After washing the flowers and pods, we cut the pods in small pieces and boiled them a few minutes, not too long.

The Moringa noodles you can prepare the same as you’re making noodles.

The Moringa Rice wine is more complicated as you need to extract the stems and leaves from the Moringa first a few weeks. At the same time you can make the rice wine ready and add the extract of the Moringa stems and leaves to this. You can make it as wine around 28 % or as Moringa Rice whisky at 54 %. We make the wine 28%.

Enjoy your Moringa Dinner Day !

Ingredients Organic Moringa:
Moringa Noodle
Moringa Flower
Moringa pods and
Moringa rice wine with extract of the Moringa stems and leaves.

The best for your Health
Made in Cambodia


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