Moringa Honey

200 and 350 Moringa-Honey Tablets bottles and in bulk available, also white labeling is possible.

Moringa Honey

Honey Tablets mixed with Moringa.

Made from 100% Organic Moringa leaves and Natural Honey powder

Honey is the only food that never spoils, sealed to 30 years, opened 1 year. In fact, honey was found in the tomb of King Tut and was still edible!

Honey is an excellent sugar substitute in any recipe and makes the taste more sweet. Together with Moringa an perfect combination. Honey contains vitamins & antioxidants and is fat free, cholesterol free and sodium free.  Honey is the only food that contains all the substances necessary to sustain life, including water. Honey can be consumed in many different forms: cut comb or chunk honey, liquid honey and creamed or whipped honey. The taste and color of honey are determined by the floral source from which the bees gather nectar.

Honey is an excellent sugar substitute in any recipe. Honey contains vitamins & antioxidants and is fat free, cholesterol free, and sodium free.
Because honey has a higher sweetening power than granulated sugar, you can use less honey than sugar to achieve the desired sweetness. Less honey translates into less calories too because 1 tablespoon of honey = 60 calories which is the same for sugar, only with honey you are actually using less honey to make things sweet!

120mesh fine Organic Moringa Powder

120 mesh fine Organic Moringa Powder

Finest Honey Powder

Honey Powder

16 Health Benefits of Honey, According to Science (+2 Delicious Honey Recipes),

Well-Being Secrets : health-benefits-of-honey,

See: Honey Vs Sugar
See: The World’s Healthiest Foods
See: Health Benefits of Honey
See: Benefits of Honey
See: Fun Facts about Honey, Health and Honeybees
Honey Nutrition Information
About Honey – How much honey can I eat every day?
Honey FAQ :

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