Organic Lemongrass farm at Cambodia
The benefits from Organic products.
Consumers increasingly want to be sure that they will not eat any chemical pesticides and medicines which are generally used to treat regular fruit, veg, meat and fish.
Not only the emission of contamination in nature such as oil, waste, incineration all contributes to pollution of our environment and therefore also our food.
That is why Organic came on the market, fresh products that do not contain chemical fertilizers, pesticides or other artificial substances.
The Independent newspaper about Organic “Eating organic food lowers risk of certain cancers, study suggests. Less exposure to chemical pesticides may be key to reduced rates, research indicates. Because of their lower exposure to pesticide residues, it can be hypothesised that high organic food consumers may have a lower risk of developing cancer,” said lead author Julia Baudry. “If the findings are confirmed, promoting organic food consumption in the general population could be a promising preventive strategy against cancer.” published an article at: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/organic-food-cuts-cancer-risk-lymphoma-chemical-pesticides-chemo-a8604336.htm
![]() Organic Galangal | ![]() Organic Ginger |
![]() Fresh Organic Turmeric | ![]() Dried Black Ginger and as Powder |
The meaning of Organic is: “Produced or associated with production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or other artificial agents”.
In order to comply with this, much more needs to be done on the land at the farmers and in the factory where this is being produced, as with traditional production.
Consumers often have no idea why these Organic products are more expensive.
A factory like Baca-Villa at Cambodia that supplies Organic products to different continents. Organic products must meet the Organic requirements of Europe (EOS), US (USDA), Canada (NOP) and in process of Japan (JAS) and be certified.
Briefly summarized below what more needs to be done to bring organic products to the market as Organic.

Working on an Organic farm land in Cambodia
On the Organic fields:
The field must at least (depending on the Organic standard) be free for 3 years from chemical use on that land. That must be shown by means of test results. There must be a buffer around that makes it certain that the neighbors who use chemistry cannot enter the Organic Country. The water and the sand must demonstrate with test results that there was no chemistry and was used.
Then the farmers, first of all the farmers have to keep track of what they have done on the land every day, with how many people they have worked, if they have used fertilizer the origin must be known, if water is used for spraying this must be reported stand, when harvested this should be stated how many kg and what kind of product with how many people. All this must be mentioned in a diary every day. There must also be a contract with the field of the farmer and a social plan.
Because an Organic field is not allowed to use chemical products as a pesticide against insects, illnesses etc. much more work has to be done on land with alternatives methods that also work well but need to be used much more intensively, so many more working hours than with conventional agricultural products.
If you produce organically for Europe you need to submit a PAH test result, this can be used to demonstrate whether the environment is free of contamination such as,
• Benzo (a) anthracene
• Benzo (a) pyrene
• Benzo (b) fluoranthene
• Chrysene
The organic fields should not lie along busy asphalted roads and or around factories that remove chemicals in the air and / or water, then the PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of contaminants produced by burning or carbon-based material) too high and the products cannot be characterized as organic and therefore not salable.
Europe in particular has become stricter in this.
More and more countries are also demanding a heavy metal test result, in which certain heavy metals are below a set value, especially lead is much risky to deliver the bearing as 0.5pmm or even 0.25 ppm. That is not always easy.
The choice where you want to grow organic must therefore be a well-considered choice for a long time, otherwise you will not earn back your investment. The best away from the civilized world, no factories do not weigh pressures, no industry…..

Then the car that picks up the harvest can only collect organic products, no non-organic products may be transported.

Fresh Moringa leaves ready for drying
The factory:
Then the harvest arrives at the factory.
Everything must be registered, all actions so that later traceability can be traced back when products are in store from which farmer the products have come. Traceability is one of the most important pillars on which Organics’ is based.
Storage in a factory must also be followed closely, non-organic products must clearly be marked and separate from organic products.
Labels also play an important role, and must be complied with and approved by the authorized Organic authority, including the logo, before they can be used (inclusive expiry date and manufactured date stated).
Then if the factory sells these organic products, the products go through a trace system in a kind of database for export and the customer who buys them buys them via this trace with a unique number to ensure that the customer buys organic products. Then the invoice must be arranged in the administration so that everything can be traced later on during an inspection or audit.
Finally, the products must comply with a microbiological test before they are accepted by the food standards.
Furthermore, there must be several documents in the factory such as:
-Corrective action
-For all Employees a Job description from farm manager till Quality department
-SPOC – Separation Procedure Organic and Conventional Product
-Grading rule for processing
-Organic management on the farm production
-Training course for farmer
-Attended list from farmers and Employees for Organic education
-Training Schedule for Employees
-Internal rule for farm
-Pest control at the factory
etc etc
I hope that this article can contribute to the discussion of why Organic products are slightly more expensive than ordinary agricultural products.
Enjoy your Organic food and thanks for using it.
More interested Organic news and the benefits from Organic products by : http://www.organics.news/
For Organic farmers: http://www.organics.news/2018-11-13-organic-fertilizer-can-increase-crop-yield-plants-in-rotation.html
For more about the benefits from Organic products, Moringa and or organic news, please visit ;https://baca-villa.com/moringa-news-from-cambodia/