Production and Processing of Moringa.

Production and Processing of Moringa.

For everybody who’s interested in THE MORINGA PLANT, you should read this.

With all kind of information of the Moringa plant. Also ideal for your garden or for farmers in the countryside to teach them, educate them about the possibilities in agriculture to cultivate the Moringa as a healthy product but also as a good income.

In a simple language and pictures explained how to cultivate, how to control, setup a nursery, planting density and cultivation systems, pests and diseases, how to prune, how to make income etc. include some recipes for cooking. 

A huge compliment for the writers and designers of this excellent document, Please, you can read it or download it here….Production and Processing of Moringa



1    The moringa  plant.......................................................05
2    Growing  young plants in a nursery.............................06
2.1 Setting up a nursery.... ...............................................06
2.2 Growing young plants in a nursery from seeds ..........07
2.3 Growing young plants in a nursery from cuttings........09
3     Moringa cultivation......................................................10
3.1  Planting density and cultivation systems... ................10
3.2  Preparation of the land ..............................................13
3.3  Planting methods .......................................................13
4     Maintaining a field of moringa.....................................16
4.1   Hoeing ......................................................................16
4.2   Pruning and mulching ................................................17
4.3   Fertilization ...............................................................18
4.4   Irrigation ...................................................................19
5     Combating pests  and diseases...................................20
5.1  Pests... ........................................................................20
5.2  Diseases......................................................................21
6     Harvesting moringa  and postharvest operations........22
6.1  Harvesting leaves and postharvest operations ..........22
6.2  Harvesting moringa seeds ..........................................24
7     Processing the moringa...............................................25
7.1  Dried leaf  powder  ....................................................25
7.2  Moringa flower powder ..............................................26
7.3  Powder from stems and petioles ................................26
7.4  Powder from the roots, trunk, bark and bark skin. .....27
7.5  Moringa seed powder .................................................27
7.6  Moringa leaf  tea   .......................................................28
7.7  Moringa seed oil  .........................................................29
8     Marketing moringa..........................................................30
8.1  Selling moringa plants .............................. ....................31
8.2  Selling moringa seeds ...................................................32
8.3  Selling moringa leaf  powder.. .......................................32
9    Recipes.............................................................................33
9.1 Recipes for  cooking... .....................................................33
9.2 Medicinal recipes..............................................................36
10     Additional information....................................................37
10.1   Bibliography  ................................................................37
10.2   Useful contacts ............................................................38

The Pro-Agro Collection is a joint publication by Engineers Without Borders, Cameroon (ISF Cameroun) and The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA).
CTA – P.O. Box 380  – 6700 AJ Wageningen – The Netherlands –
EWB Cameroon  – P.O. Box 12888 – Yaoundé – Cameroon  –
© CTA and EWB 2016
Cover photo: © Tim Gainey/Alamy
ISBN (CTA): 978-92-9081-599-0

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