High Quality

Simply Stunning

Easy Care


french pharmaceutical group

Pierre Fabre Laboratories, the second largest independent pharmaceutical group in France. Its activities cover all aspects of health care, from prescription drugs and dermo-cosmetics to family health products. It  has subsidiaries in over 40 countries, market products in over 130 countries, and employ 10,000 people worldwie. Pierre Fabre Research Institute is working since 2006 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, at the Joint Laboratory of Phytochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, through a close partnership with the University of Health Sciences.


This collaboration focuses on the research and development of innovative plant-based ingredients, and the training of Cambodian pharmacist students in the field of natural products research. Vegetable oils are Pierre Fabre Group’s most used raw materials, especially in cosmetic products. Pierre Fabre group wishes to integrate original, ethic, and sustainable oils produced in Cambodia from Cambodian cultivated plants into its future products.


organic moringa producer

Baca Villa projects started in 2005, departing from the ownership of a guest house in the toutistic town of Siem Riep, Cambodia. Since 2010 they have started growing Moringa olifera trees. After realizing that it could be a sustainable and profitable project they decided to focus on the organic market, obtaining the ‘Organic’ certificatiton for EUR, USDA, NOP and JAS (Japanese Organic Standards) by Ecocert. Baca Villa manufactures Moringa with this label different types of products and sub-products. They have centered on making Tea, powder, tablets, oil, Soap, etc.Their activities and products are accommodated to the demand and different cycles of Moringa production.


In their factory, they employ from 20 to 30 people depending on the stock and the customers’ requests. Instead of becoming a closed firm their aim is to extend the benefits of Moringa cultivation, commercialization and consume and they have organized training and consultancy in the field of agriculture,

Food safety and Quality Management for new entrepreneurs and farmers, focusing on:

  • Agricultural training
  • Theoretical and practical training: How to grow the Moringa tree and the benefits of the Moringa tree
  • Food hygiene and Quality Training
  • Basic hygiene for kitchen staff and hotel management.
  • Advanced hygiene training for kitchen staff and hotel management.
  • Hygiene training for food producing staff.
  • Internal audit training for ISO 9001 and Food safety management systems like HACCP, GMP and BRC

Baca Villa Co., in Siem Reap province are becoming pioneers in the creation of new jobs in agro-food sector and promoting the extension of this know-how to
other farmers.


project partnership

The project partners Pierre Fabre and Baca Villa will jointly work on the proposed develoPPP.de project. Both project partners will set-up a team of experts who will engage in the training of farmers, technical staff and students. For the project supervision, suPPPort ltd. will be engaged, a sustainability consultancy with thorough experience in develoPPP.de projects.

Project Launch

a develoPPP.de – project

Agriculture plays a prominent role in the everyday livelihoods of more than 56% of the total working-age population of Cambodia. Still, most families in rural remote areas do not have access to qualified education. Due to their financial situation and missing educational infrastructure, farmers have a lack of knowledge on cultivation improvement and new technologies. Organisations, companies or private institutions offering agricultural education are very often expensive and the education is very theoretical without necessary practical exposure.

Furthermore, the awareness of farmers and technical staff for international organic standards is very low. The International Organic Standard and the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety are becoming more important to compete in the international agriculture sector. Hence, qualified education in these topics were needed to be addressed.

In scope of the project, Pierre Fabre and Baca Villa will jointly tackle the farmers’ education in organic farming and cultivation of plants and herbs for vegetable oil manufacturing. They will train technical staff in the oil pressing process to convert plants and herbs into high-value oil, which may later be used for nutraceutical and cosmetic applications in Pierre Fabre’s products. Through the set-up of an external control lab and the support of Pierre Fabre in technical experts trainings, Baca Villa will be able to ensure that vegetable oils provided to Pierre Fabre and other international and local customers, meet the highest quality standards.


Qualification of technicians at Baca Villa
Qualification of farmers
Cooperation with association and education partner
Qualification of technicians at Baca Villa

In the framework of the project, technical staff of Baca Villa and farmers will be trained in the skills needed to run an organic herb supply chain.  Each year Baca Villa technicians will receive training trough Pierre Fabre in the field of sustainable supply chain management and in the field of plant extraction. The trained technicians will pass on this knowledge with regard to oil manufacturing to technical experts in a 10-month education program (ToT) at Baca Villa. Also, employees of Baca Villa will receive training in BRC Global Standard for Food Safety which is regarded as the benchmark for compliance to best practice in food industry standards; and is an internationally recognized mark of food safety, quality and responsibility.

Qualification of farmers

Since the cultivation and farming of organic plants and herbs is the crucial first step in the supply chain, Baca Villa will train 100 Cambodian farmers in the Ecocert Organic Standard. After the successful training of 50 farmers in the first year, another 50 farmers will be trained in the second year. The goal is that at least 50 farmers will receive organic certification by Ecocert by the end of the project.

The farmers will be selected according to a criteria catalogue, including hard aspects as location of the farm, previous usage of pesticides, previous farmed products, watering of the field (where does it come from); as well as soft aspects as willingness to change and learn, attitude of farmer, poverty level (poorer farmers preferred).

The farmers will receive  workshops every second month. The workshops will be provided at the Baca Villa facilities as well as directly on the farms. CEDAC and the project partners Pierre Fabre and Baca Villa ensure the transport of the farmers to the venue and back. The content of the workshops will cover:

  • – Cultivation of organic plants and herbs
  • – Organic farming without pesticides
  • – Use of natural (organic) fertilizer and pesticides, which are allowed and approved by International organic law.
  • – Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP)
  • – Good Agriculture and Collection Practices (GACP)
  • – Quality standards
  • – Post-harvest services
  • – Food safety
  • – General life skills, income management, health and safety, hygiene

Cooperation with association and education partner

To foster knowledge-transfer to the industry, Baca Villa will also engage with the  DGRV – Deutsche Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e. V. based in Phnom Penh. The DGRV is connected to many local stakeholders that foster cooperatives in the agricultural sector. Also, Pierre Fabre and Baca Villa will cooperate with the Department of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology of ITC in order to build the capacity through knowledge and technical transfer and set-up  quality control activities related to plant-based ingredient at the ITC. Baca Villa will invite partner institutions to  annual workshops and various events to share know-how.

Qualified Farmers
qualified Technical Operators


The project is of high relevance for the developing country Cambodia, since theoretical and practical education is largely missing in the agriculture sector. Furthermore, goals in the project correlate with the Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030) by the United Nations.


Within the project, at least 100 farmers will be trained in Ecocert Organic Standard, including international social, environmental and quality standards and thus gain a higher qualification and competitiveness. They will also receive practical skills training in organic farming, hygienic harvesting, prune, advanced of nursery and HACCP. These workshops and trainings provide the currently missing education, which is highly important for the development of the agriculture sector. As a result, farmers in the region are gaining in attractiveness and thus secure their future viability. Baca Villa is aiming to start long-term business relations with at least 50 out of the 100 trained farmers.
SDG 1: No Poverty; SDG 4: Quality Education; SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production; SDG 15: Life on Land)

Technical Operators

Technical operators are crucial for the development of the sector and the introduction of new technologies. Through the 10-months training at Baca Villa by the formerly trained technicians and lecturer, at least 20 well-educated technical operators will be trained. This higher education increases their job-opportunities and they are likely to gain a higher income. (SDG 4: Quality Education)

Agriculture Sector

The thorough training of farmers helps to ensure an organic supply chain that can meet international standards. Education of technical operators enhances the productivity and competitiveness of companies and will ensure jobs. Since Pierre Fabre educates farmers and technical operators in the region, not only Baca Villa, but also many other companies in the region, which have similar professional backgrounds, will benefit from skilled future employees. These will contribute decisively to the agriculture sector’s development in the region. (SDG 1: No Poverty; SDG 4: Quality Education; SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production; SDG 15: Life on Land)


Students and lecturers will benefit from the project, since the education partnerships will give them access to international know-how and connectivity to the industry. (SDG 4: Quality Education)


What our Customers say

Great products and moreover amazing company philosophy. Lovely people. Thanks for sharing this gift of nature Baca Villa.

– Angelo Kaplar

Baca Villa and Pierre Fabre offer nature’s gift to humanity! These Moringa products are one of a kind and changed my health to the better.

– Monika Sweeter

A wide range of products all naturally and organically sourced and produced in a fair and safe work environment.

– Dafna Van den Bergh



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